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Weekly Round[s] Ups

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  • Another week has come and gone in Washington, DC. We’re still working on passing the National Defense Authorization Act and a National Security supplemental with aid to Israel and...
  • We’re back in Washington for our last weeks of session before Christmas break. We have a busy month ahead as we look to address the National Defense Authorization Act and the...
  • We had another busy week in the United States Senate this past week. As you may have heard, we passed a continuing resolution (CR) to keep the government open and funded past the...
  • Welcome back to another edition of the Weekly Round[s] Up! As you all know, Veterans Day was this past weekend, a day set aside to honor the brave men and women who have defended...
  • It was another busy week out in Washington. We got to work and passed three of our 12 appropriation bills through the Senate. Each of the 12 bills covers a different subject area...
  • We’re back in Washington for another week of work in the United States Senate. Now that we’ve got a Speaker of the House, both the House and the Senate are in a lot better position...
  • After a great in-state work period spent in South Dakota, we’re back in action for another Senate work period. I had the opportunity to visit Sioux Falls to speak at the South...
  • Things are picking up here in Washington as we get back in the swing of being in session. I was able to see so many South Dakotans this past week from each side of the state and...
  • We are back in Washington after a great in-state work period spent in South Dakota. I was able to host roundtables, attend events and visit with South Dakotans from all across the...
  • It was a busy final week of July as the Senate worked to wrap up our version of the FY2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This annual, bipartisan legislation is crucial...
  • Welcome back to another Weekly Round[s] Up! We’ve made it to what is scheduled to be our last week in session before our August in-state work period. I say it’s tentative because...
  • It’s time we do something we’ve never done before: a special two-week edition of the Weekly Round[s] Up. The past two weeks have been jam-packed as we’ve worked in the Senate Armed...
  • (You might want to read the second paragraph before reading this first one!) Welcome back to another edition of the Weekly Round[s] Up, your go-to source for all the latest...
  • We had a crazy week out here to welcome us back to DC after our Memorial Day in-state work period. As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, much of our time was spent waiting on a debt...
  • We had a short week out in DC this past week, but we packed as much as we could into a few days! There were fewer South Dakotans visiting DC this past week – you all must not want...
  • Each week, this paragraph serves as an opportunity for me to give you a general overview of my week before getting into the specifics below. This week, I instead wanted to take a...
  • We had a short week in DC this past week, but managed to pack a lot into three days! I met with South Dakotans from Amherst to Edgemont. Most of the South Dakotans I met with were...
  • We’re back in Washington after two weeks in South Dakota for our Easter in-state work period. It was good to visit with so many South Dakotans about the issues that matter the most...
  • After our marathon five weeks straight of in-session activity, I am finally back in South Dakota for more than a few days. We even got a snowstorm as a welcome home! We will spend...
  • Although it doesn’t feel like it back home in South Dakota, the first day of spring was last Monday, March 20. This past week in Washington was the peak bloom of the iconic cherry...