With the elections far behind us and so many pressing issues before us - the Iran deal, the rise of ISIS and “lone wolf” terrorists, a national highway bill and cyber...
Thanking our VSOs
In my first eight months working as a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I'm beginning to learn just how complicated it can be for our veterans to work with... -
Angels in Adoption
Providing children with a loving home is one of the greatest gifts anyone can give. Strong families are an important pillar of society that help bring stability to communities and... -
Earlier this summer, President Obama announced his so-called “Clean Power Plan” final rule, which requires states to cut greenhouse gas emissions nearly a third within...
Too often, rather than writing and implementing regulations in an open and transparent process, environmental regulations are enacted as a result of citizen suits prompted by...
Several weeks ago, President Obama submitted part of the nuclear agreement with Iran to Congress for review. The U.S. negotiators, including Secretary of State John Kerry, have not...
Weekly Column: Dodd-Frank: Five Years Later
We recently marked the five-year anniversary of the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act. At the time, supporters of Dodd-Frank said it would improve our economy and protect taxpayers... -
Weekly Column: The Importance of Education
A strong education system is vital to making certain our young people have the opportunity for a prosperous future. To accomplish that goal, I believe the federal... -
Protecting our nation through a strong defense is a fundamental role of the federal government. We have the greatest military in the world, and it’s an honor to serve on the...
While working as governor of South Dakota, securing the underground laboratory at the Homestake mine in Lead was one of our proudest accomplishments. Without the strong support of...
Weekly Column: King v. Burwell Ruling Doesn't Change the Fact that the ACA is Fatally Flawed
On June 25, 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) federal subsidies are legal. Ruling in the case of King v. Burwell in a... -
Weekly Column: Summer in South Dakota
Now that summer is officially here, many of us are planning family vacations and weekend getaways. With so many unique events across South Dakota during the summer months, people... -
During the eight years I worked as governor of South Dakota, I had the honor of serving as the commander-in-chief of South Dakota’s National Guard forces. My first term began...
Weekly Column: Protecting the 2nd Amendment
As an avid hunter and lifelong gun owner, I have always been a strong defender of the Second Amendment. We cherish our right to bear arms in South Dakota, where we have a strong... -
Weekly Column: Honoring Those We Lost
Memorial Day is a special time for us to remember all the brave men and women who died defending our nation on the battlefield. They paid the ultimate price to protect our... -
Weekly Column: Reliable, Affordable Energy
Last summer, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a proposed rule to reduce carbon emissions from existing power plants. Self-titled the “Clean Power... -
Weekly Column: Giving Back
We are just a few weeks from Memorial Day, a federal holiday designated for honoring those who paid the ultimate sacrifice protecting our freedom. As we prepare to recognize the... -
In 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposed a rule to expand the definition of ‘waters of the U.S.’ This power grab...
Weekly Column: My First 100 Days
My first 100 days working as a U.S. Senator have been full of activity. When the people of South Dakota elected me to the Senate, I made them a promise to help get... -
In 1914, Western Union began issuing metal cards to the company’s top customers. For a subscription fee, “preferred” customers could use their...