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Rounds Statement on Senate Passage of Natural Resources Management Act

Includes Rounds’ Conservation Education Amendment, Provision to Expand Custer County Airport

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) today made the following statement on Senate passage of S. 47, the Natural Resources Management Act of 2019. The legislation passed 92-8:


“In South Dakota, we treasure our public lands. We also work to protect the rights of private landowners and encourage conservation of our lands for future generations. This bipartisan legislation seeks to improve management of our public lands and allow greater local control of water management decisions.


“I’m pleased it included my Landowner Conservation Education amendment, which will make certain landowners are fully aware that perpetual conservation easements – which bind future generations into a contract with the federal government – aren’t their only option when entering into a conservation agreement. This provision will increase awareness for all conservation options and keeps landowners and the federal government on equal footing.”


The Natural Resources Management Act of 2019 includes Rounds’ Landowner Conservation Education amendment, which creates an education program for landowners to make sure they are aware of all conservation options available to them.  


It also includes a provision Rounds worked to advance with Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) and Rep. Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.), which would transfer land from the Black Hills National Forest System to the Custer County Airport. The airport is already located on the land but will now have full ownership of the acres it occupies.

