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Rounds Statement on Indictment of Former President in Federal Court

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) issued the following statement on the indictment of the former president in federal court:

“Regardless of your political position or perspective, the news of another indictment against the former president should concern all of us. American citizens look to our leaders and our justice system to have integrity - and that integrity is once again being called into question. 

“The indictment that has been unsealed contains multiple charges against the former president for his role in retaining classified documents, some of which were highly classified.

“As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, I receive classified briefings multiple times per week. It is unacceptable that sensitive information, which could undermine our national strategy and security, has been treated so carelessly by current and former members of the executive branch.

“At the same time, I am concerned about the Department of Justice’s decision to pursue this case against the former president at a time when our current president has also admitted to the possession of classified documents while out of office.

“The unprecedented action of indicting in federal court a former president, who is also a current candidate for president, cannot be taken lightly as it is inherently political and will have a lasting impact on our nation. The burden of proof is on the Department of Justice to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. The former president should be considered innocent unless proven guilty.”
