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Rounds Cosponsors Resolution to Overturn Clean Power Plan Rules

Resolution Would Nullify Rules for Existing Power Sources

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), a member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, today cosponsored a resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act to stop the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from moving forward with its proposed Clean Power Plan regulations for existing power sources.

“While South Dakota has one coal power plant at Big Stone, we still get much of our power from surrounding states which would be seriously affected by the President’s so-called Clean Power Plan,” said Rounds. “The end result will be sky-high electric rates for South Dakota families, all with very little benefit to the environment. It is just one more example of this administration stretching the limits of the law to issue costly new regulations at the expense of American families who have to pay higher electric bills.”

The Clean Power Plan final rules were published in the Federal Register last week. Under the Congressional Review Act, Congress can overturn actions by a federal agency, such as the EPA, after a rule is formally published and submitted to Congress. If the resolution is enacted into law, it would nullify the Clean Power Plan, including any portions of the regulations that have already gone into effect.

Last week, South Dakota and 25 other states filed a Petition for Review and a Motion to Stay in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit against the Clean Power Plan.

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