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Box Elder Resident Offered Appointment to U.S. Naval Academy

Kyras Fort was nominated to Naval Academy by Rounds

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) today announced that Kyras Fort of Box Elder, SD, has been offered a fully qualified offer of appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy, which Fort intends to accept. Fort is the son of John Paul Fort and Enri Yamashita Fort. He currently attends the Frankfurt International School in Germany.


Fort received a nomination to the U.S. Naval Academy from Rounds, and was one of Rounds’ three principal nominees. Principal nominees are guaranteed admission if they meet all of the requirements of the academy to which they are nominated.


“I congratulate Kyras on his appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy,” said Rounds. “It is a privilege for me to be able to nominate the highest caliber of students, like Kyras, to the service academies. I commend him for the hard work he has put in to secure his spot at the Naval Academy, and for his dedication to serve his country. We wish him all the best at the Naval Academy.”


"Wearing the uniform of the United States Navy is of the highest honor,” said Fort. “Senator Rounds and the United States Naval Academy have bestowed upon me the profound responsibility and privilege to serve our great nation as a future naval officer. I will do so with honor, courage, and dedication."

Each year, Rounds is able to nominate a select group of eligible students from South Dakota to attend our nation’s four service academies: The U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, U.S. Military Academy at West Point and the U.S. Naval Academy. More information about the nomination process and eligibility requirements can be found here.  

