Rounds Calls for an End to Sequestration
WASHINGTON (KELO AM) - U.S. Senator Mike Rounds, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, made the following remarks reinforcing his desire to end sequestration and increase spending for defense:
“I would like to briefly address an overarching theme that has dominated this committee’s dialog over many weeks. That theme is, of course, the critical importance of properly funding our armed forces. We have heard over and over from leaders from throughout the Defense Department about the devastating impacts that would accompany sequestration. But I believe sequestration is part of a larger threat to our defense establishment and our national security. At a time of great fiscal pressures we can expect to see continued pressure for defense spending that is below a level of acceptable risk. In short, we can expect to see as never before advocacy of a national security strategy that is budget and not strategy driven. This committee is positioned to keep that from happening. So I would like to take this opportunity to state my strong support and great appreciation for the ongoing efforts of Chairman McCain and Ranking Member Reed to not only avoid sequestration but to truly provide the funding levels needed to keep our nation safe.”