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Mike Rounds officially joins the Senate

WASHINGTON – Former Gov. Mike Rounds was sworn in to the Senate on Tuesday and said he is eager to begin his work as a senator and “get results.”

Rounds, sporting a black and red-striped tie and his customary yellow ribbon with an American flag lapel pin on his black suit, was escorted in the Senate by fellow South Dakota Republican Sen. John Thune and retiring Democratic Sen. Tim Johnson, whom he is replacing. A smiling Rounds stood on the Senate floor about 11:30 a.m. Central time, his left hand clutching his wife Jean’s Bible and his right hand held in the air as he took the oath from Vice President Joe Biden.

“I’m ready to get started. It’s been a long lead-up. We’ve been working at it for two years to convince voters that we’re the right thing to do,” Rounds said in an interview. “And now they’ve put their faith in us and we want to follow through, we want to get results. We’re going to enjoy the day, but we’re also going to keep the perspective that nothing has happened yet. We haven’t accomplished anything yet.”

The House also swore-in all of its members Tuesday, including Republican Rep. Kristi Noem who was elected last November to a third term.

Rounds’ ascension to Washington helped Republicans take control of the Senate. Along with their majority in the House, it is the first time in eight years the GOP has controlled both chambers. Rounds, from Huron, is only the 27th person to represent South Dakota in the Senate.

He began the day eating breakfast with his family at a hotel, then headed to the Capitol for interviews, meetings and to take the oath of office.

During a ceremonial swearing-in photo opportunity in the old Senate chamber later Tuesday, Rounds, 60, stood next to his family and Biden. The vice president introduced himself, shook hands and gave Rounds some pointers on where to stand and hold his Bible. “Hey, Gov., good to see you, man,” a jovial Biden told Rounds. “I enjoyed working with you when you were governor, and I’m looking forward to working with you now.”

As the pomp and circumstance of the first day fades, lawmakers have a daunting list of issues they are expected to tackle, from the Keystone XL pipeline and taxes to transportation and the Affordable Care Act. Among the first items on his agenda, Rounds has agreed to sponsor a bill that would allow construction of the 1,200-mile Keystone pipeline. The White House made it clear Tuesday that President Obama will not sign a bill authorizing the pipeline.

Thune, now the longest-serving senator from South Dakota, called Rounds a “solid, proven leader who will bring South Dakota common sense to the Senate.”

Rounds said his time as a governor and 10 years in the South Dakota Legislature have taught him that local government often is better able to meet the needs of people than the federal government.

“It seems that over the last couple of years we’ve gone to the point where the federal government has their finger in everything, and maybe it’s time we take different approach and allow local governments to make more decisions on their own,” he said.

Rounds will spend the next few weeks in Washington adjusting to the Senate’s peculiar traditions and formalities, and awaiting a permanent location for his office this spring or summer, based on seniority. He’ll most likely be ranked 96th in seniority out of 100 senators. For now, he’s operating out of a temporary office in the Russell Senate Office Building.

Rounds, the oldest of 11 children, said he plans to commute between Washington and South Dakota weekly, if possible. He celebrated his swearing in at a reception with family and friends.