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Bill #
Bill Description
Cosponsored — 

A bill to strengthen accountability and oversight at the Department of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes.

Sponsored — 

A bill to amend title 31, United States Code, to require the Director of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the Department of the Treasury to be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, and for other purposes.

Cosponsored — 

A bill to require the provision of information and counseling regarding Federal food assistance programs as part of the Transition Assistance Program.

Cosponsored — 

A bill to amend the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 to establish a Portal for Appraiser Credentialing and AMC Registration Information, and for other purposes.

Sponsored — 

A bill to require the Chief Data and Artificial Intelligence Officer of the Department of Defense to develop a bug bounty program relating to dual-use foundational artificial intelligence models.

Sponsored — 

A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to modify the Contested Logistics Working Group of the Department of Defense.

Sponsored — 

A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to authorize the head of a department or organization within the Department of Defense to place an order with any other such department or organization for certain construction projects on a reimbursable basis.

Sponsored — 

A bill to limit the availability of funds for the destruction of landmines.

Cosponsored — 

A bill to amend the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act of 1986 to exclude certain air emissions from emergency notification requirements, and for other purposes.

Sponsored — 

A bill to require the Secretary of Defense to submit to Congress annual reports on the unfunded priorities of the Department of Defense-wide research, development, test, and evaluation activities, and for other purposes.

Cosponsored — 

A bill to require the Secretary of Agriculture to allow emergency haying under the conservation reserve program during the primary nesting season under certain conditions.

Cosponsored — 

A bill to amend the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act to establish a cybersecurity circuit rider program to provide cybersecurity-related technical assistance to certain entities that operate rural water or wastewater systems.

Sponsored — 

Wounded Knee Massacre Memorial and Sacred Site Act

Sponsored — 

A bill to establish a food and agriculture cybersecurity clearinghouse in the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, and for other purposes.

Cosponsored — 

A bill to clarify the applicability of sanctions and antimoney laundering compliance obligations to United States persons in the decentralized finance technology sector and virtual currency kiosk operators, and for other purposes.

Cosponsored — 

A bill to provide for the creation of the missing Armed Forces and civilian personnel Records Collection at the National Archives, to require the expeditious public transmission to the Archivist and public disclosure of missing Armed Forces and civilian personnel records, and for other purposes.

Cosponsored — 

A bill to prohibit the Securities and Exchange Commission from requiring that personally identifiable information be collected under consolidated audit trail reporting requirements, and for other purposes.

Cosponsored — 

A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to increase the number of permanent faculty in palliative care at accredited allopathic and osteopathic medical schools, nursing schools and other programs, including social work, physician assistant, and chaplaincy education programs, to promote education and research in palliative care and hospice, and to support the development of faculty careers in academic palliative and hospice care.

Cosponsored — 

A bill to provide for congressional review of actions to terminate or waive sanctions imposed with respect to Iran.